The Kings County football league was founded in 1992 by current commissioner Michael Diblasio. His vision was to create a league in which all skill levels could participate on an even playing field. The nature of the league was not meant to be violent, only 2-hand-touch would be required to end a players forward progress with the football (as opposed to tackle football ie NFL).
The league is advertised at
Each week, players can check the site for schedules, score results and statistics. Each game takes place in Marine Park, Brooklyn, or the surrounding areas. There are 3 divisions broken down by ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’. The best teams play in the ‘A’ on down to the least competitive teams in the ‘C’ division. You may only move up if your team wins the championship the year before.
Section A: League Entrance
Section B: Game Times
Section C: Weather Conditions
Section D: Rosters
Section E: Forfeits
Section F: Player Positions
Section G: Field Dimension & Maintenance
Section H: Uniforms & Equipment
Section I: Referees
Section J: Play Clock
Section K: Game Ejections, Suspensions & Fines
Section L: The Game
Section M: Overtime
Section N: Line of Scrimmage
Section O: Rules of Game
Section A: League Entrance
1. League Entrance Fee will be determined prior to the season. ($600)
2. No refunds to team(s) or player(s) ejected from the league.
3. No refundable Forfeit Fees. Forfeit Fees are not included in any entrance fees.
4. Forfeit Fee: $150.00 (fine) must be paid prior to the next scheduled game. Otherwise all remaining games will be canceled.
5. Teams/Players: The League will decide which team plays in what conference and a players ranking (A, B, C, etc.)
Section B: Game Times
1. Sundays: 8:45, 10:15, 12:00, 1:15
2. Forfeit Time: 20 minutes
Section C: Weather Conditions
1. Regardless of field or weather conditions, both teams must be present at the field with at least 5 players; otherwise the team(s) will receive a forfeit, unless commissioner cancels game before hand.
2. If both teams and officials agree at the field, not to play a scheduled game due to field or weather conditions, the game will be rescheduled for a later date (if possible).
Section D: Rosters
1. Maximum of 20 players per team.
2. All rosters are due by 2nd game of season (with pictures).
3. No adds or drops to rosters after 3rd game.
Exception #1: If a team is ejected from the league or drops out of the league, players are allowed to switch to another team providing the league is notified and the player pays a $30.00 re-instatement fee.
Exception #2: If a team is ejected due to fighting; special rules apply and their case will be reviewed by the league before allowing any player(s) to switch to another team. Upon review, the new team will be notified of the leagues’ ruling.
4. The opposing team has the right to challenge the ineligibility of any player the other team uses. The head referee and the coach of the challenged player must be informed of such a challenge prior to the end of the game. The use of an ineligible (non-roster or suspended) player in a game will result in the game being forfeited.
No roster switching.
5. Players cannot play on other teams in their conference but can play on teams outside their conference.
6. Teams are permitted 4 (same) outside conference players with approval from league.
An “A” rated QB cannot quarterback for a “B” conference team, but is permitted to play in those Conferences at any other position.
Section E: Forfeits
1. Less than 5 players to start a game constitute a forfeit. Forfeit = Loss of Game + $150.00 fine.
Section F: Player Positions
1. Offense: 6 players: 1 QB & 5 position players
2. Defense: 7 players: 1 Giver & 6 position players
3. Defense on throw offs: 1 Giver & 5 position players
Section G: Field Dimension & Maintenance
1. The field is 90 yards long including 10-yard end zones by 30 yards wide.
2. Teams are required to clean their sideline after the game. Leaving bottles, paper cups and assorted trash will not be tolerated by the Parks Department. Failure to comply will result in team captains being fined by both the Parks Department and the league.
Section H: Uniforms & Equipment
1. Player(s) must wear their own same color jersey with numbers on the front and back of the jersey.
Penalty for no jersey: $5 per player without jersey.
2. Teams wearing the same colored jerseys will flip a coin prior to the game to see which team will play with their jerseys.
3. No player shall wear equipment that will endanger another player. (Officials discretion)
4. Every team is required to have a leather or rubber regulation football at every game. The referees will determine if the ball meets specifications.
If a team does not have a Regulation Football the team will forfeit the game and pay the forfeit fine. or
If the team who does have a Regulation Football agrees, both teams will use the same football in the game. Once agreed upon the team with the football cannot rescind their offer or they will be charged with a forfeit.
Section I: Referees
1. Three Referees are assigned to Regular Season Game. Four Referees to Post Season Games.
2. League Officials can assign Four Referees to any game they deem necessary.
3. Teams must play until the referees whistle blows.
4. When the referees blow the whistle, all play is dead.
5. Referee fees are collected prior to the game.
6. Referee fees are as scheduled:
2 Referees - $67 per team
3 Referees - $80 per team
4 Referees - $101 per team
Overtime - $12 per team ( 3 referees); $16.00 (4 referees)
Section J: Play Clock
1. The clock does not stop, except for team time outs, official time outs, the 2 minute warning and injuries.
Exception: From the 2 Minute Warning until the end of the half or game, the clock will stop for incomplete passes, turnovers, out of bounds.
2. 25 Second Huddle Time: Is timed from the moment the Line Judge informs the offense that the 25 second huddle time is beginning, (referee should blow whistle to begin play clock) to the moment the ball is hiked by an offensive player (center) to the QB. The Line Judge will use his judgment as to when to begin the huddle time. The Line Judge will count down or inform the offense of the remaining huddle time.
3. 4 Second Rush Count: Is timed from the moment an offensive player (center) to the Quarterback. After the 4 count, the QB can run past the line of scrimmage and the Giver and/or Defensive Player can rush the QB.
4. 4th Down Throw Offs: Once a team decides to throw off on 4th down, the ball MUST be thrown prior to the 4 second count. If not, play is blown dead, loss of down – change of possession at line of scrimmage.
Section K: Game Ejections, Suspensions & Fines
1. Player(s)/Coach(s) ejected from a game are suspended for the next game played, as a minimum; regardless of the game - regular season, playoff or championship game and they are not permitted on or near the field until the suspension is lifted.
2. Team captains will be notified of the length of the player(s) suspension and any team fines.
3. All fines are assessed to the teams not the players.
4. Fines are due prior to the next scheduled game. Failure to pay fines will result in the forfeiture of the next scheduled game.
Section L: The Game
1. The coin toss will take place 5 minutes prior to start of game.
The team with better record calls coin toss.
The winner of the coin toss can choose to receive the ball, defend a goal or defer the choice for the second half.
2. The length of a game is 60 minutes; 2 halves of 30 minute each.
3. Each team has 2 time outs in the first half and 3 time outs in the second half.
4. Each Team must designate captains (Offensive & Defensive) and those players are the sole representatives of their team in all communications with officials.
5. The offensive team is allowed only 6 players in the huddle. Too many players on the field – 5 yards
6. The defensive team is allowed only 7 players in the huddle. Too many players on the field – 5 yards
7. Unlimited substitution is permitted but only when play is dead.
8. Bench Area: Is the sideline between the 15-yard lines. Players are required to stay within their Bench Area.
9. Play begins at the 10-yard line. No throw-offs prior to each half or after a score.
10. First Downs: There is one 1st down marker at midfield, 35 yard line.
11. Each team has 4 downs to either obtain a 1st down or score. The defense must be prepared to defend against the offense on every down, 1 thru 4.
The Line Judge can halt or slow down the offensive play at any time during the game to allow referees to assume their field positions.
The offense must notify the Line Judge of 4th down throw-offs. The Line Judge will then notify the defense and wait until the return team and referees are in position before putting the ball in play.
12. Once the throw-off is announced, the throw-off cannot be faked or changed unless a time out is called. Once a team decides to throw off on 4th down, the ball MUST be thrown prior to the 4 second count. If not, play is blown dead, loss of down – change of possession at line of scrimmage.
13. Punt Returns: The ball can only be advanced by the return team. If the ball hits the ground after a player touches it, it is a dead ball from the spot of the ball. There are no fumbles.
14. Fumble Recoveries: THERE ARE NO FUMBLES. The ball is considered dead at the spot of the drop.
Fumble: The ball carrier while in possession of the ball, fumbles the ball to the ground, it is a dead ball from the spot of the ball.
15. Any change of QB must be reported to the officials. Penalty; Illegal procedure – 5 yards
16. Touchdown: The ball must break the plane of the goal line while the player has possession of the ball.
17. Conversion Point:
If converted from the 5-yard line: 1 Point
If converted from the 10-yard line: 2 Points
If converted from the 15-yard line: 3 Points
If the defense intercepts a conversion point and returns it to the opposing goal they receive the conversion points the offense tried to convert.
18. Mercy Rule:
Team winning by more than 40 or more points after half time
Team winning 3 (24) scores or more at 2 minute warning of second half.
Section M: Overtime
1. If at the end of a regulation game both teams are tied, the teams will play overtime.
2. A coin toss will take place prior to overtime, with the winner of the toss having the option to receive or defend a goal and the loser of the coin toss having the option if a second overtime possession is needed.
3. Each team will have one possession to start at the 15 yard line to score. Maximum of 2 possessions in regular season. Both teams face the same end zone on offense.
4. 1 timeout in overtime.
5. Interceptions returned for a touchdown during overtime counts as 6 points. If it is on first possession, game is over.
6. If upon completion of overtime the game is still tied, the game is considered complete and each team awarded a tie.
Section N: Line of Scrimmage
1. The Line Judge is the official line of scrimmage, the line of scrimmage cone is a marker to aide the defensive counter from going off-side prior to the four count and to aide the QB from throwing a forward pass beyond the line of scrimmage or going offside prior to the 4 count during a play.
2. No quick plays, the referee hand off the ball to a hand raised offensive player and that offensive player will hike the ball to the QB. No more QB’s holding the ball.
3. The Giver (Defensive Lineman) cannot block a receiver and cannot be blocked by a receiver at the line of scrimmage.
Exception: Running play from the line of scrimmage or by contact due to a block by an offensive player. Cutting the Middle is a running play.
Penalty: Trap Block; 10-yards
4. The Giver must be within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage and stay in line with the QB and cannot line up in the end zone.
Penalty: Illegal Procedure; 5-yards
5. No player may be out of bounds at the time of the snap of the ball and enter the field to participate in the play.
Penalty: Unsportsmanlike-15 yards
6. If an offensive player is lined up past the line of scrimmage or moves past the line of scrimmage before the ball is in play, the play is deemed off-side (false start), play is dead.
7. Is a defensive player moves past the line of scrimmage before the 4 count is completed or before a running play starts, the play is deemed off-side.
Penalty: False Start = 5 yards
Off-side = 5 yards
8. If at or near mid field, the Giver moves past the line of scrimmage intentionally, the play is deemed unsportsmanlike conduct.
Penalty: unsportsmanlike = 15 yards (rule also on page 9)
Section O: Rules of Game
1. Running Play
Each team is allowed to run the ball once (prior to the 4 count) per four downs, which includes point after attempt.
Blocking with hands is allowed after the ball carrier has possession of the ball.
Cutting the middle, between the QB and Giver, is allowed and constitutes as a running play.
The QB is allowed to run past the line of scrimmage before the 4 count and this constitutes as a running play.
Penalty: Illegal Run = 5 yards.
Penalty: Illegal Block = 10 yards from point of infraction.
2. Forward Pass
All players on offense are eligible.
Blocking with hands is allowed after the receiver has possession of the ball.
An offensive team may make only one forward pass during each play from behind the line of scrimmage.
All forward passes must be thrown from behind the line of scrimmage.
If a forward pass is caught simultaneously by an offensive and defensive player possession goes to the offensive player.
A forward pass is complete when a receiver touches the ground with one foot in bounds while in possession of the ball. If a receiver is hit out of bounds by an opponent while in possession of the ball and in the air, the pass is complete. Force out rule is the discretion of Referee.
Penalties: Illegal Block = 10 yards from point of infraction
Illegal Forward Pass = 5 yards plus loss of down from scrimmage
If illegal forward pass occurs during an extra
point attempt, loss of extra point attempt.
3. Incomplete Pass
Ball is dropped by receiver before receiver touches ground with one foot or is out of bounds.
If a player has possession of the ball while in air and that player hits the ground causing the ball to be dislodged without getting 1 foot down, it’s considered an incomplete pass. This excludes force outs.
4. Completed Pass
Ball is caught by receiver and 1 foot touches the ground in bounds.
If a player has possession of the ball in the air, is tagged while in the air and then hits the ground causing the ball to be dislodged, it is considered a completed pass.
If the ball is dislodged from a player due to a tag, it is considered a completed pass.
5. Tag’s
Two hands open handed and arms extended. This includes one hand on the ball and one hand on the carrier.
If a player is tagged while juggling the ball and gains possession (inbounds) of the ball after the tag, the player is considered tagged and can’t advance the ball. Referee’s discretion.
If the ball carrier falls to the ground without being tagged, PLAY ends. Play is dead.
No grabbing or pulling on opponent’s uniform in attempting a tag.
Penalty: Illegal Use of Hands = 5 yards from infraction
6. Intentional Grounding
Intentional incompletion of a forward pass to prevent a loss of yards.
Penalty: 10 yards and loss of down
Exception: Last 2 minutes of each half when QB immediately grounds ball upon starting the play.
7. Touchback
When the ball carrier does not leave the end zone. The carrier can run within the end zone as long as he does not leave the end zone and retreat back in.
When the ball carriers momentum carries him from the field into the end zone, caused by an interception or a 4th down throw-off.
8. Pass Interference & Face Guarding
Pass Interference is when any player’s movement, beyond the line of scrimmage, hinders the progress of an eligible opponent in his attempt to reach a pass. Remember: Defensive Players have just as much right to the ball as Offensive Players.
Face Guarding is when a player uses one or both hands to obstruct the vision of an eligible receiver while the players back is to the ball.
In order for Pass Interference or Face Guarding to be called the ball must be playable.
Penalties: Defensive Pass Interference or Face Guard =
If infraction occurred in the end zone, ball is placed on 2 yard line and repeat down. If play began before mid-field then it’s a first down.
If infraction occurred before the end zone, it is a spot foul.
Offensive Pass Interference or Face Guard = 10 yards from line of scrimmage.
9. Intentional Offsides at Mid field
Giver intentionally going offside at mid field is an unsportsmanlike conduct.
Penalty: Defensive = 15 yards from line of scrimmage
10. Holding
Illegal obstruction of the movement of an opponent.
Penalty: Offensive = 5 yards from line of scrimmage
Defensive = 5 yards from line of scrimmage
11. Chucking
Defense is allowed one chuck per offensive player within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage and no chucking in the end zone.
Penalty: Illegal Chuck = 5 yards
12. Unnecessary Roughness
Tags above the shoulders or use of forearms or elbows.
Penalties: Defensive = 15 yards
Offensive = 15 yards
13. Illegal Pick – (Offensive Pass Interference)
If an offensive receiver makes contact or obstructs a defensive player in his attempt to defend an offensive player.
Penalty: Illegal Pick = 10 yards
14. Clipping
Hitting an opponent in the back
Penalty: Clipping = 10 yards from point of infraction
15. Personnel Fouls
Piling On = 15 yards
Roughing the QB = 15 yards
Tackling, Pulling Down, Twisting or Turning an Opponent = 10 yards
Straight Arm = 10 yards
Striking with Fist = 15 yards
Striking Opponent Head = 15 yards
Kicking, Kneeing, Swing or Clubbing an Opponent = 15 yards
Spiking the Ball = 10 yards
Deliberately kicking a ball or marker = 10 yards
16. Conduct Fouls: Each Coach/Captain and Team Player is responsible for the conduct and Behavior of their players and sideline spectators.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Players, Coaches and spectators may not make any insulting remarks to or about any opposing players or spectators.
Penalty = 15 yards and if flagrant, ejection
Baiting and Taunting = 10 yards and if flagrant ejection = 15
Fighting = Automatic Ejection from Game
Aggressor suspended for to be determined length
Retaliator suspended for two games and fined
Team Brawls will result in league ejection
Bench Clearing = Players ejected from game & 15 yard penalty
Abuse of Officials: Any player, coach or spectator cursing, mocking, ridiculing or taunting a referee or league representative.
Penalty = 15 yards and ejection
Any player, coach or spectator attempts to assault, push, bump or threaten a referee or league representative will result in suspension from the league indefinitely.
Due To Player(s)/Team(s) Conduct Referees Can Rule as Follows:
Stop play, call the game complete and
a) Award the win to the team ahead or
b) Award the win to any team, regardless of the score or
c) Award each team a loss.
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