Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds are quite an interesting direction that technology has taken us. It could be used in the professional world to create new work environments or socially for people to get to know one another despite geographic location. Like everything, it also has its pros and cons:


  • People are drawn together by similar interests instead of location
  • It allows people to find common ground despite their age, race, or orientation. (all things which factor into real life scenarios)
  • Companies can conduct business across towns, countries, or simply when one is unable to be in the room at the time
  • Some people feel much more comfortable speaking or acting how they would want to without the confinement or risk of embarrassment real life may endure
  • Deception and deceit are much, much easier
  • Loss of translation in things that are typed and misread
  • There are no more interactions and communications face to face
  • Relationships could lose value over strictly technical terms
VLES is certainly the first of its kind. Unfortunately, this reading was the first time I have heard about it which is why it probably does not exist anymore. I am not sure why it would not have succeeded. I think it was a great idea because it brought people who have the same interests together to experience things at the same time. It could be a universal portal for those who love indie music and New York City. 
The future of Virtual Worlds is definitely more like "Second Life" without all of the make believe. This article was written in 2009 so it is much easier to see where it has gone since. Meetup, WebEX, and gotomeeting have all evolved from sites like that.  I do not think the actual virtual world aspect has gone far. No need to create an avatar of yourself holding a beer when you can simply video yourself in with one. Apple Facetime and Google Hangouts have done exactly that. Companies conduct virtual meetings where everyone is sitting in front of their own computer and camera. Friends hang out in front of their computer while they simultaneously watch a youtube video. Virtual worlds have evolved far passed avatars and have moved to the real thing. 
Although it is not a booming industry, the creativity element keeps people using virtual worlds. Creating an avatar of what you wish you looked like is common in the Virtual World. Hence, the term second life, you can create what you wish you had in your real life. 

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